API - Molecular Data


Protocol: REST

Endpoint: https://api.mandrilsoft.com


  • {"moleculeId": "all"}: Retrieves a list of available molecules with minimum data to display
  • {"moleculeId": "10"}: Offers all calculations for the selected molecule ID

Ajax request example:

let requestData = { "moleculeId" : "8" };
$.ajax({ type: 'POST', dataType: 'json', url: 'https://api.mandrilsoft.com', data : JSON.stringify(requestData), success: function(data) { console.log(data); } });

curl request example (php):

$url = 'https://api.mandrilsoft.com';
$curl = curl_init($url);
$data = [ 'moleculeId' => 'all' ];
$payload = json_encode($data); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $payload); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, ['Content-Type:application/json']); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
$result = curl_exec($curl);

Data Structure

Molecular Data is an open API that provides quantum chemical calculations, molecular mechanics, and dynamics data for a large amount of molecules, including molecular orbital diagrams and representations.

Data structure example (calculated using the Ab Initio method):

AbInitio, molecule = Methanol.
Convergence limit = 0.0000100
Iteration limit = 50
Accelerate convergence = YES
Optimization algorithm = Polak-Ribiere
Criterion of RMS gradient = 0.1000 kcal/(A mol)
Maximum cycles = 90
The initial guess of the MO coefficients is from eigenvectors of the core Hamiltonian.
Shell Types: S, S=P, 6D.

RHF Calculation:
Singlet state calculation
Number of electrons = 18
Number of Doubly-Occupied Levels = 9
Charge on the System = 0
Total Orbitals (Basis Functions) = 38
Primitive Gaussians = 72

Calculations with 38 basis functions and 72 primitive Gaussians.
2-electron Integral buffers will be 32000 words (double precision) long.
Two electron integrals will use a cutoff of 1.00000e-010
Regular integral format is used.
259153 integrals have been produced.

Total Energy = -72185.8247569 (kcal/mol)
Total Energy = -115.035419900 (a.u.)
Electronic Kinetic Energy = 72076.9790286 (kcal/mol)
Electronic Kinetic Energy = 114.861963212 (a.u.)
The Virial (-V/T) = 2.0015
eK, ee and eN Energy = -97779.8344881 (kcal/mol)
Nuclear Repulsion Energy = 25594.0097312 (kcal/mol)
RMS Gradient = 0.0675041 (kcal/mol/Ang)


Symmetry: 1 A' 2 A' 3 A' 4 A' 5 A'
Eigenvalue: -559.341425 -306.584127 -37.016505 -25.220434 -18.876690
Symmetry: 1 A" 6 A' 7 A' 2 A" 8 A'
Eigenvalue: -16.892884 -16.199881 -13.536225 -12.061872 6.172120
Symmetry: 9 A' 10 A' 3 A" 11 A' 12 A'
Eigenvalue: 7.629075 8.810651 8.994277 10.546273 20.748672
Symmetry: 4 A" 13 A' 14 A' 5 A" 15 A'
Eigenvalue: 21.071309 21.727752 28.717941 30.747789 31.343379
Symmetry: 16 A' 17 A' 6 A" 18 A' 19 A'
Eigenvalue: 32.369838 33.143805 34.115045 34.563666 38.359334
Symmetry: 20 A' 7 A" 21 A' 8 A" 22 A'
Eigenvalue: 46.939905 48.306907 50.917418 55.302449 64.969689
Symmetry: 23 A' 9 A" 24 A' 10 A" 25 A'
Eigenvalue: 66.837000 67.430508 73.589743 74.989265 76.835565
Symmetry: 26 A' 27 A' 28 A'
Eigenvalue: 86.189241 112.544714 126.319541

C 1 S C 1 S C 1 Px C 1 Py C 1 Pz
1.996485 0.637397 0.730583 0.550989 0.716072
C 1 S C 1 Px C 1 Py C 1 Pz C 1 Dx2
0.574457 0.382755 0.129001 0.339106 0.022570
C 1 Dy2 C 1 Dz2 C 1 Dxy C 1 Dxz C 1 Dyz
0.024671 0.019686 0.013377 0.009847 0.019567
O 2 S O 2 S O 2 Px O 2 Py O 2 Pz
1.995296 0.897480 0.919437 0.833207 1.153325
O 2 S O 2 Px O 2 Py O 2 Pz O 2 Dx2
0.910301 0.610707 0.529627 0.804180 0.033953
O 2 Dy2 O 2 Dz2 O 2 Dxy O 2 Dxz O 2 Dyz
0.025146 0.003601 0.006066 0.001273 0.002489
H 3 S H 3 S H 4 S H 4 S H 5 S
0.535820 0.289746 0.539159 0.320336 0.539159
H 5 S H 6 S H 6 S
0.320339 0.473142 0.089651

Atom Z Charge Coordinates(Angstrom) Mass
(Mulliken) x y z
1 6 -0.166561 -0.08859797 -0.58545874 0.00000175 12.01100
2 8 -0.726086 -0.06191658 0.81393194 -0.00000488 15.99900
3 1 0.174433 0.93804348 -0.92428326 -0.00000136 1.00800
4 1 0.140505 -0.58200404 -0.98416709 0.88323247 1.00800
5 1 0.140502 -0.58201233 -0.98417397 -0.88322136 1.00800
6 1 0.437207 -0.94812809 1.14550990 0.00000123 1.00800

Net Charge (Electrons):

Dipole Moment (Debye):
X: -1.5606 Y: -1.0255 Z: 0.0000 Ttl: 1.8674

Quadrupole Moment (Debye-Ang):
XX: -11.2915 YY: -13.0937 ZZ: -13.6343
XY: -2.2556 XZ: -0.0000 YZ: 0.0000

Octapole Moment (Debye-Ang2):
XXX: 2.9850 YYY: 1.0877 ZZZ: 0.0001
XYY: -1.1348 XXY: 1.9586 XXZ: 0.0000
XZZ: 1.0494 YZZ: -0.4071 YYZ: 0.0000 XYZ: -0.0000

Hexadecapole Moment (Debye-Ang3):
XXXX: -18.5744 YYYY: -58.3212 ZZZZ: -18.8085
XXXY: -2.2594 XXXZ: -0.0000 YYYX: -2.7243
YYYZ: 0.0001 ZZZX: -0.0000 ZZZY: 0.0001
XXYY: -10.9344 XXZZ: -6.5132 YYZZ: -13.4430
XXYZ: 0.0000 YYXZ: -0.0000 ZZXY: 0.5783